ICalendar feed appointments appear as: All day
You can subscribe to a System One iCalendar feed to display appointments (like shows) in a calendar reader like Google Calendar or Apple iCal.
By default, all appointments from System One are exported as: all day events into the iCalendar feed, regardless of whether they have a time specified in System One or not.
This means, that even when a start/end time is set in the booking, your calendar reader will display the appointment as "all day", rather than on the exact timeslot in your calendar reader.
Specifying the start/end-time
When an iCalendar event has a begin/end time specified, a timezone needs to be specified as well. This is a technical requirement for calendar readers.
Once a timezone is specified on an event, this event will shift in time in your calendar reader when you travel through different time zones with your device.
This poses a big potential risk for confusing traveling artists and artists showing up to early or too late for their shows. If you do activate this feature, do note that the shifting of start/end times of the events in the calendar readers is an unavoidable consequence while traveling through different time zones.
What if I don't travel often?
You can activate the "Specify time" feature and choose a time zone in which all the events for the specific iCalendar feed will be displayed.
You can find this feature in Personal settings > iCalendar feeds > iCalendar detail page.