Changes in System One are not appearing in Google Calendar
You are using a Google Calendar that is displaying information from System One. Updates in System One are not appearing as you would expect them to in your Google Calendar.
Did you wait at least 12 hours?
When a show or flight is updated in System One, the update will not instantaneously show in your Google Calendar.
Google fetches data from System One every couple of hours. Google does not disclose the exact refresh rate, but Google says it might take up to 12 hours. (although in our experience it happens more regularly).
System One has no influence on the refresh rate and there is no setting for users to trigger the calendar data to refresh.
Are the settings of your Google Calendar correct?
Make sure that your Google Calendar is subscribed to a working System One feed URL.
Go to the settings of the calendar
On the desktop version of Google Calendars, you can find "Other calendars" in the left side of the screen.
Make sure you've expanded the view to display all the calendars.
When you hover over the name of the calendar, you will the icon with 3 dots

Click on the icon to open the context menu and select "Settings".

Is the URL correct?
The url should start with
If this is not the case, remove the calendar completely and re-add the calendar with the correct URL.

Does the URL that I use work?
Copy the URL to your clipboard and paste it in a Chrome browser.
You should automatically download an .ICS file which can be found in your downloaded files.
If you get any other result, verify that the iCalendar feed still exists in System One.
If you are sure the URL is correct, send an email to System One support with the URL.