
New timetable options


The timetable can be found in the show detail view. We have extended the list with default options to choose from, so you don't need to write them manually each time you want to add a new element to the timetable.

New entries

  • Arrival
  • Backstage curfew
  • Bus call
  • Changeover & Line check 
  • Crew call
  • Curfew
  • Get in
  • Get in &  lunch 
  • Get in & dinner
  • Get in & load in
  • Get in & set up
  • Get in band
  • Get in catering
  • Get in support
  • Interview
  • Line check
  • Load in
  • Load in & set up
  • Load out
  • Meet & greet
  • Off stage
  • On stage
  • Pick up
  • Rehearsal
  • Security meeting
  • Set up
  • Set up & soundcheck
  • Show time
  • Soundcheck support
  • Stage clear
  • Stage curfew
  • Stage time

5 months ago